Our customer had a specific need: they wanted to get notified when something went wrong with the job queue in their system. While there are solutions like Azure Telemetry Signal, they come with a hitch – you have to set them up on Azure, and regular users can’t do that directly in Business Central.

So, we came up with a simple solution. We figured out a way to subscribe to a standard event called ‘OnBeforeTryRunJobQueueSendNotification’ in the “Job Queue Entry” table. This event helps us know when a job queue is about to start running. By doing this, we created a simple solution to notify users when there’s an error and the job queue stops. No need for complex setups on Azure – just a direct, easy way to keep everyone in the loop.

Taking it a step further, we introduced configurations in “General Ledger setup” and “Job Queue Entry Setup.” Now, if there’s an error, the program sends out a notification email based on the general ledger setups. What’s even better? With the job queue setup, we gained control over notifications at the job level, offering a personalized touch to keep users in the loop. It’s all about making life easier in Dynamics 365 Business Central!

For more details you may refer this project https://github.com/akhileshekartha/Job-Queue-Send-Notification

Setup in General Ledger Setup

Setup in Job Queue

Sample Email

codeunit 50100 "AKH Job Queue Events"
     [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Database::"Job Queue Entry", 'OnBeforeTryRunJobQueueSendNotification', '', true, true)]
    local procedure JobQueueEmailNotification(JobQueueEntry: Record "Job Queue Entry")
        EmailMessage: Codeunit "Email Message";
        Email: Codeunit Email;
        CompanyInfo: Record "Company Information";
        GenLedSetup: Record "General Ledger Setup";
        EmailScenario: Enum "Email Scenario";
        Recipients: Text[250];

        Subject: Text[250];
        Body: Text[1000];
        lblBody: Label 'Error occurred in job queue entry: %1 - Error Message : %2';
        lblSubject: Label '%1 Job Queue  Error %2';
        if not JobQueueEntry."AKH Notify Error by E-mail" then
        if not GenLedSetup.Get() then
        if not GenLedSetup."AKH Send Email Job Queue Error" then
        GenLedSetup.TestField("AKH Notification Email Address");
        if JobQueueEntry.Status <> JobQueueEntry.Status::Error then
        // Create a formatted error message
        Body := StrSubstNo(lblBody, JobQueueEntry.Description, JobQueueEntry."Error Message");
        Recipients := GenLedSetup."AKH Notification Email Address";
        // Email subject
        Subject := StrSubstNo( lblSubject, CompanyInfo.Name, JobQueueEntry.Description);
        EmailMessage.Create(Recipients, Subject, Body, true);  

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